Nana's experiences with her Backyard Chicken flock and a Crossed Beaked chicken named Cha Cha.

Buff Orpington

Orpingtons rate at the top of my list for being the most docile and friendliest chickens in my flock. I have 4  standard size Orpington hens, 2 Buff, a Blue and a Splash. The Buffs are definitely the sweetest of all. Rather I'm in the hen house or the run, they follow me wherever I go waiting for the chance to be held or patted. I have never witnessed any of the Orpingtons being aggressive or taking part in any spat that may occur. I highly recommend this breed for anyone who has children or grandchildren who visit often.  The Buff Orpington girls are the smaller in size than my Blue and Splash Orpingtons.  An adult Buff Orpington hen can average 8 pounds.

I named my Buff Orpingtons Sweet Pea and Henny Penny. Sweet Pea got her name because she was such a sweet little chick. While in the brooder she liked to hop into our hand and let us swing her. Henny got her name because she would often run around doing her "the sky is falling" dance. 

Sweet Pea was the second chicken in my flock to start laying eggs. She laid at 22 weeks. Henny started laying at 25 weeks. They each lay a large pinkish/tan egg. I guess this is what is now called Brown. Sweet Pea's eggs have a shiny shell finish and weigh 2 ounces and Hennys' have a matte finish  and weigh 2.2 ounces. I get 5-6 eggs each week from each of these girls. 

These photos were taken when the girls were 39 weeks old. 

Sweet Pea

Henny Penny

Talking to My Girls

Eggs from Henny Penny and Sweet Pea

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