Nana's experiences with her Backyard Chicken flock and a Crossed Beaked chicken named Cha Cha.

Olive Egger

I have two Olive Eggers in my flock of 12. The Olive Egger chicken is a hybrid and not a breed. According to the information I got from the place I ordered my Olive Eggers, at that time they crossed Legbars by Marans for one variety and Ameraucanas by Marans for another variety. From my understanding Olive Eggers are a cross between a blue egg layer and a dark brown egg layer. I was not guaranteed to get Olive eggs from my chickens because they were first generation. Based on this information, I believe Pepper to be a Legbar by Maran cross and Miss Vegas to be an Ameraucana by Maran cross. They look very different but lay similar color, shape and size eggs.

As young chicks, Miss Vegas, was the friendliest and one of the easiest to pick up and hold. My daughter thought she looked like a "Vegas Showgirl" as a chick, so she got the name Miss Vegas.   Pepper was shy and timid and not so pretty as a chick. In fact, I thought she looked a bit like a vulture. I no longer say that because she has turned out to be one of the prettiest chickens in my flock. She has a very large floppy comb and has a crest. Pepper  has become much more friendly in 41 weeks.  She even hops up on my lap for a hug.

Pepper was the first in my flock to lay an egg. She laid a brownish/olive egg at 19 weeks old. Her eggs are still the same color, however, sometimes the eggs will have brown spots and sometimes not. Now at 41 weeks old, Pepper lays on the average of 5 large 2.0-2.2 ounce eggs a week. So far, she is the only chicken in my flock to have laid a double yolk egg.

Miss Vegas started laying at 28 weeks old. Her eggs are a grayish/olive and can be speckled with white or brown spots. At 41 weeks old, Miss Vegas lays 5-6 large 2.2 ounce eggs a week.

Photos taken at 39 and 40 weeks old.

Miss Vegas
Note:  Miss Vegas passed away from unknown causes on March 18, 2015 at 42 weeks old. (10-1/2 months). She was the first of my flock to die. There were no signs of illness or injury.  She was found in the morning laying on the wire under the roost. 


Eggs from Pepper and Miss Vegas

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