Nana's experiences with her Backyard Chicken flock and a Crossed Beaked chicken named Cha Cha.

Buff Brahma

 My girls Sybil and Sophie are standard size Buff Brahmas, not bantam. Both have a very docile nature but are easily picked on by other members of the flock. In fact, Sophie is probably at the bottom of the pecking order as she is often the victim of  occasional feather picking.

Sophie and Sybil  were the slowest to mature and last to start laying eggs, Sybil at 30 weeks and Sophie at 32 weeks. Each of them now lays between 4-6 large size eggs weekly.  The girls  lay eggs that are different in color and shape. You would never know the eggs were from the same breed of chicken.  Sophie's eggs are a very light beige/pink shade and the shell has a matte finish.  Sybil's eggs are shiny and are sometimes speckled. Her eggs are a darker orange/brown shade and can be almost round.  Both girls lay 2.0 ounce-2.2 ounce eggs.

The Brahma girls are not quite a year old, but in 40 weeks have grown to a large size. An adult hen can average 9.5 pounds. When younger, both girls would test their flying skills, but now I rarely see them fly. In fact at 6 weeks old one of the  Brahmas flew out of the brooder when I had opened the top to clean.  Because of their size, the Brahmas seem to do better with lower roosts. I have read that roosts that are approximately 18 inches off the floor are more appropriate for this breed to prevent injury or bumblefoot. My roosts are 10 inches and 20 inches and the  girls have had no problems getting up or down. I keep a thick layer of pine shavings on the floor of the hen house, and I had a ramp installed to the higher roost as well as a  ramp to the nesting boxes. I use sand in the Run which seems to be easier on the feet and surely helps to keep the feathered feet clean.

The photos below were taken at 39 weeks old.



Eggs from Sophie and Sybil

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